Here is my script that not only asks the user where the .PFX file is located, but also configures the management key and PUK based on a random number, asks the user for their preferred pin, and includes a function that allows you to reset the device easily. This script still requires Yubikey's PIV tool, found at . This script has been tested/used on version 0.1.3.
I am not primarily a programmer, so I apologize for any functionality that could have been done better or faster.
#################################################################################################### # # Script to help out some of the management of YubiKeys in windows using powershell # Bryan Loveless ( # January 2015 # # # requires Yubikey PIV tool to be downloaded somewhere (0.1.3 was the verison tested) # requires PFX to be exported in a pfx file, and not already assigned to a smartcard in use # PFX must be protected with a password # # User must not use the pin numbers 12345 or 4711, as these are default and Reset-yubikey will fail # ################################################################################################### # Show an Open File Dialog and return the file selected by the user. #Borrowed from function Read-OpenFileDialog([string]$WindowTitle, [string]$InitialDirectory, [string]$Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*", [switch]$AllowMultiSelect) { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $openFileDialog.Title = $WindowTitle if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InitialDirectory)) { $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = $InitialDirectory } $openFileDialog.Filter = $Filter if ($AllowMultiSelect) { $openFileDialog.MultiSelect = $true } $openFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true # Without this line the ShowDialog() function may hang depending on system configuration and running from console vs. ISE. $openFileDialog.ShowDialog() > $null if ($AllowMultiSelect) { return $openFileDialog.Filenames } else { return $openFileDialog.Filename } } # Show an Open Folder Dialog and return the directory selected by the user. #Borrowed from function Read-FolderBrowserDialog([string]$Message, [string]$InitialDirectory, [switch]$NoNewFolderButton) { $browseForFolderOptions = 0 if ($NoNewFolderButton) { $browseForFolderOptions += 512 } $app = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $folder = $app.BrowseForFolder(0, $Message, $browseForFolderOptions, $InitialDirectory) if ($folder) { $selectedDirectory = $folder.Self.Path } else { $selectedDirectory = '' } [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($app) > $null return $selectedDirectory } # reset the device easily function Reset-Yubikey{ write-host "Are you sure you want to reset the yubikey? Ctrl-C to stop now!" pause #prompt user where the yubico-piv executable is: $yubiPIVExecutable = Read-OpenFileDialog -InitialDirectory 'C:\Program Files (x86)' -WindowTitle "Select yubico-piv-tool.exe file" -filter "yubico-piv-exe files (yubico-piv-tool.exe)|yubico-piv-tool.exe" # lock the pin an puk numbers on device & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a verify-pin -P 4711 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a change-puk -P 4711 -N 67567 & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a reset } # password generator, using it to get new managment key, borrowed from function Generate-Password() { Param ( [int]$length = 8, [bool] $includeLowercaseLetters = $true, [bool] $includeUppercaseLetters = $true, [bool] $includeNumbers = $true, [bool] $includeSpecialChars = $false, [bool] $noSimilarCharacters = $true ) <# (c) Morgan de Jonge CC BY SA Generates a random password. you're able to specify: - The desired password length (minimum = 4) - Whether or not to use lowercase characters - Whether or not to use uppercase characters - Whether or not to use numbers - Whether or not to use special characters - Whether or not to avoid using similar characters ( e.g. i, l, o, 1, 0, I) #> # Validate params if($length -lt 4) { $exception = New-Object Exception "The minimum password length is 4" Throw $exception } if ($includeLowercaseLetters -eq $false -and $includeUppercaseLetters -eq $false -and $includeNumbers -eq $false -and $includeSpecialChars -eq $false) { $exception = New-Object Exception "At least one set of included characters must be specified" Throw $exception } #Available characters $CharsToSkip = [char]"i", [char]"l", [char]"o", [char]"1", [char]"0", [char]"I" $AvailableCharsForPassword = $null; $uppercaseChars = $null for($a = 65; $a -le 90; $a++) { if($noSimilarCharacters -eq $false -or [char][byte]$a -notin $CharsToSkip) {$uppercaseChars += ,[char][byte]$a }} $lowercaseChars = $null for($a = 97; $a -le 122; $a++) { if($noSimilarCharacters -eq $false -or [char][byte]$a -notin $CharsToSkip) {$lowercaseChars += ,[char][byte]$a }} $digitChars = $null for($a = 48; $a -le 57; $a++) { if($noSimilarCharacters -eq $false -or [char][byte]$a -notin $CharsToSkip) {$digitChars += ,[char][byte]$a }} $specialChars = $null $specialChars += [char]"=", [char]"+", [char]"_", [char]"?", [char]"!", [char]"-", [char]"#", [char]"$", [char]"*", [char]"&", [char]"@" $TemplateLetters = $null if($includeLowercaseLetters) { $TemplateLetters += "L" } if($includeUppercaseLetters) { $TemplateLetters += "U" } if($includeNumbers) { $TemplateLetters += "N" } if($includeSpecialChars) { $TemplateLetters += "S" } $PasswordTemplate = @() # Set password template, to ensure that required chars are included do { $PasswordTemplate.Clear() for($loop = 1; $loop -le $length; $loop++) { $PasswordTemplate += $TemplateLetters.Substring((Get-Random -Maximum $TemplateLetters.Length),1) } } while (( (($includeLowercaseLetters -eq $false) -or ($PasswordTemplate -contains "L")) -and (($includeUppercaseLetters -eq $false) -or ($PasswordTemplate -contains "U")) -and (($includeNumbers -eq $false) -or ($PasswordTemplate -contains "N")) -and (($includeSpecialChars -eq $false) -or ($PasswordTemplate -contains "S"))) -eq $false ) #$PasswordTemplate now contains an array with at least one of each included character type (uppercase, lowercase, number and/or special) foreach($char in $PasswordTemplate) { switch ($char) { L { $Password += $lowercaseChars | Get-Random } U { $Password += $uppercaseChars | Get-Random } N { $Password += $digitChars | Get-Random } S { $Password += $specialChars | Get-Random } } } return $Password } #function configure-yubikey{ #change key, pin, and puk from default setting: #generate a random number and store it in keepass as USER-YUBIKEY-ManagementKEY must be 16 characters (010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708 is default) #$randomkey = get-random -minimum 999999999999999 -maximum 9999999999999999 $randomkey = Generate-Password 48 $false $false $true $false $false write-host "create a keepass entry named yourusername-YUBIKEY-ManagmentKEY and enter $randomkey in for the value" -ForeGroundColor Red pause #generate a random number and store it in keepass as USER-YUBIKEY-PUK, must be 8 characters #$randompuk = get-random -minimum 9999999 -maximum 99999999 $randompuk = Generate-Password 8 $false $false $true $false $false write-host "create a keepass entry named yourusername-YUBIKEY-PUK and enter $randompuk in for the value" -ForeGroundColor Red pause #prompt user with protected pin entering box: $pinencrypted = read-host -prompt "What do you want your pin number to be?" -AsSecureString #extract plain text pin number from encrypted varible above $BSTR = ` [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pinencrypted) $pin = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) #prompt user where the yubico-piv executable is: $yubiPIVExecutable = Read-OpenFileDialog -InitialDirectory 'C:\Program Files (x86)' -WindowTitle "Select yubico-piv-tool.exe file" -filter "yubico-piv-exe files (yubico-piv-tool.exe)|yubico-piv-tool.exe" #ask user where PFX file is $pfxfile = Read-OpenFileDialog -InitialDirectory c:\ -WindowTitle "Select PFX file" -filter "PFX files (*.pfx)|*.pfx" #prompt user for PFX password: $PFXpasswordencrypted = read-host -prompt "What is your PFX password?" -AsSecureString #extract plain text pin number from encrypted varible above $BSTR = ` [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PFXpasswordencrypted) $PFXpassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) #changing pin from default(none) to random number generated above: write-host "setting the yubikey managment key now" & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -a set-mgm-key -n $randomkey #changing PIN from default to user's seleciton write-host "Changing the PIN number now" & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -k $randomkey -a change-pin -P 123456 -N $pin #Changing pin from default to random number generated above: write-host "Changing the PUK number now" & "$yubiPIVExecutable" -k $randomkey -a change-puk -P 12345678 -N $randompuk # imports the key & "$yubiPIVExecutable" --slot 9a --input=$pfxfile --password=$PFXpassword --key-format=PKCS12 --action=set-chuid --action=import-key --action=import-certificate -v2 --key=$randomkey #}
The content shared in this article is impressive and I would like to read this impressive posting. Thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteHi, we at Yubico just released a GUI tool for YubiKey PIV management. It might be helpful:
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