Friday, December 9, 2011

SCVMM impersonation Schizophrenia

I have had a Library server on Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager for years now.  One day it went missing.  I tried to readd it, but it kept saying:
 "Error (2910)
VMM does not have appropriate permissions to access the resource file://blah/share on the blah server.
(Access is denied (0x80070005))
Recommended ActionEnsure that Virtual Machine Manager has the appropriate rights to perform this action."

After revewing many, many web articles ( , , , , ) and many attemps to resolve this issue, I fired up process monitor and decided to start looking for myself. 

I already had the recommended setup, VMM machine name and VMM service acct in local admin group, etc...

Procmon however showed me that there was a network user comming in from the VMM machine, but then it was impersonating "nt authority/system."  What?  When did that change?

So as you can see, the fix was to give at least Read access to the local system user. 
Now back to creating and destroying VMs with just a few clicks of the mouse!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Xserve and Vtrack Visio stencils, free!

I find it strange that after an hour or so searching the internet... no one has free Apple Xserve and Promise Vtrack Visio stencils.  I needed them for a diagram at work, so I commisioned thier creation.... and I would like to release them to the world! is where you can find them.  It has the front and back of both a Promise Vtrack, and an Apple Mac Xserve G5.  (You know, the servers they quick making because they don't give a damn about the enterprise market anymore.)  Please feel free to copy them and distribute, just please let them remain free.  (Dare I say, open source?)  Credits for actual creation go to Tatso, he is far handier in Visio than I am.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's always the simple things that cause the most trouble, March 2011 Edition.

I have been trying to hunt down a "random reboot" problem for a few days now, and I hope that I have fixed it.  I searched all over the internets trying to find folks with similar problems, but to no working solution.

(for those interested in the technical details, I have a multi-node Hyper-V "highly available" cluster running 2008 R2.  For my servers, these are Dell Poweredge R815s with four 12-core AMD processors and Broadcomm 5709C Nics.  I have an Equalogic 6000E and 6500XV for central storage, and I am using iSCSI for all of those connections.)

So the Internets took me to many great sites with complicated fixes, and of course fixes that don't apply to my setup (it seems that Intel has a nasty bug with their processors right now, btw).  For some examples:

In a nutshell, everyone above suggests driver updates, firmware updates, windows updates... all stuff that is pretty simple. The more I Googled, the more I though it might be related to a NIC issue, or at least I had a hunch that it was.

So I decided to take what I call the "dummy" approach.  I went through every NIC, setting by setting on each node in the cluster.  I had already turned off the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option on the iSCSI nics, but I had left it alone on the motherboard NICS.  I decided to change this so every NIC was the same, disabling the setting.

Then a meeting took me away from diagnosing it any further yesterday... I went home, expecting to get a bizzilan e-mails from SCOM the next morning, as one or more nodes reboot at night.  But my inbox was free of SCOM's nagging, and none of the nodes rebooted.  So no matter how many times we forget, we should check the simple things first.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why Apple will never be an enterprise player.

Apple is kind of like the rich kid in high school who was an asshole, but everyone liked him because he had money.  I try to like Apple and their products, but the more I get to know them, the less I like them.  Besides the censorship and their situation with Adobe on their mobile devices, anytime I have to deal with their "enterprise technology" I am disappointed at the little things that break.  Yesterday was one of those days....

I have had an issue for several months now where when a PC connects to an SMB share on my OSX 10.6 server, it behaves strangely.  I can upload any file I want of any size I want to the Apple server, but when I try to pull the file down it errors out saying, "file is no longer accessible."  Another weird part is it gets extremely close to being done before it fails.  (For example, with a 6G file, it was within 20mb of completing, and with a 28k file, it copied more than 26k of it.)

I spent many, many hours Googling for a solution over the span of 6 months.  (Using USB drives for the rare occasion that files had to be transferred... and used sneaker-net to move them.)  Most of the solutions I found on forums blamed the PC and FAT file systems... you could tell they were written by mac-fanboys who don't have any idea about what they are talking about.  But enough about that rant, let me give you the answer.

It turns out that Samba was the problem.  So after reading about how the version of SMB that is distributed with OSX is way old, I started investigating how to up grade Samba to the latest edition (oh, btw, you use MACPORTS for that).  While I was waiting for the 8.9G of Apple developer tools to install so I could install MACPORTS, I by chance found another article or two:

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME APPLE?!?  You (YET AGAIN) release an update to something for your "enterprise-level" applications and FORGET TO TEST IT WITH SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS SAMBA?  Not only that, but YOU CAN'T WRITE A DAMN SCRIPT TO FIX THE PROBLEM WHEN YOU FIND IT?

So it turns out that Samba shares "all" of the file, including the "Extended Attributes" that are specific to the XSAN file system.  Windows gets the file from the server, then when it receives the EA part it doesn't know what to do with them (as EA is not a Windows kind of thing) and discards the file with an error.  I made the change described in the KB article above and everything works fine now. (the solution is to change "stream support = yes" to "stream support = no" in /etc/smb.conf) .

So... I hope this post finds someone someday who might have the same problem that I did and may come across this post that might perhaps save a bit of their sanity.

Thanks internet for letting me rant.....


And now for some terms that I used to try to find this problem that may help this article be found by someone in need:

the item can't be found
file disappear after copy
SMB mac
samba mac
mac windows compatibility
stream support = no
extended attributes
xsan and samba
xsan and smb
file copy to pc almost completes
file copy from xserve almost completes
Apple file sharing problem
apple file sharing issue
file size issue with SMB
file size issue with samba
smb connection issue
samba connection issue
windows osx samba
windows pull file from xsan
Problem connecting to my Windows (SMB) share in 10.6